The Therapists

The Key to Healing is Feeling

Marya Kukura, LMT (currently on leave)

Marya Kukura, LMT (currently on leave, reopening in 2024)




- JFB Fascial Pelvis

- JFB Fascial Cranium

- JFB Pediatric MFR

- JFB Quantum Leap

- JFB Equine MFR

- JFB Subtle Energy I

- JFB Healing Seminar

- JFB MFR Unwinding

- Usui Reiki I & II

- JFB Advanced MFR Unwinding

- JFB Cervical Thoracic MFR

- JFB Women’s Health MFR

- JFB Myofascial Rebounding

- JFB Myofascial Mobilization

- JFB MFR Skill Enhancement Seminar

- JFB-MFR Therapy for the Therapist

- JFB-MFR Study Group Leader

- Sonic Theology & Art of the Zildjin (9 Ways)

- Fascial Connections (Z-Way)

- Clinical Skills Intensive (Z-Way))

- HeartMind Energy Healer Training (90hr)

Marya is an Expert Level JFB-MFR Therapist and has been trained by some of the best in her field, completing more than 550 hours of Myofascial Release education so far. She came to this work because of her own pain, having lived with fibromyalgia since early childhood. Western Medicine’s methods for treating pain and depression could barely even mask her symptoms, let alone resolve them. After many years of struggling, she began to study alternative methods of care, seeking to help herself instead. This sparked her desire to help others.

 Rather than trying to simply relieve the pain for herself and her clients, Marya sought ways to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Exploring this concept led her to John Barnes’ MFR as a client, and in time, with regular MFR treatment and self-treatment at home, Marya experienced more ease, less pain, and a profound shift in her thinking. She now lives free from the life-limiting pain, hypersensitivity, and depression associated with fibromyalgia, and she’s grateful for this every day.

Marya has completed all of the JFB-MFR courses and continues to repeat them regularly. She also has advanced MFR training with Lori Zeltwanger, PT, founder of Myofascial Mastery Academy (Z-Way).

To deepen and expand her healing work for herself as well as her clients, Marya is a student of the Awakening Prana Energy Healing School, under the mentorship and guidance of Annie B. Bond. In addition to MFR and energy work, she also offers Harmonic Therapy sessions with gongs and singing bowls and has studied extensively under Mitch Nur, Ph.D., of 9 Ways Academia.

Marya co-founded Connective Healing MFR in Andover in 2018 and it quickly developed into a thriving MFR and Energy practice. After a period of traumatic upheaval, both personally and professionally, she became the sole owner and began the process of healing both the business and herself. It’s been a long process of rebuilding, but Marya is excited to announce that she will be reopening in early 2024 under the new name The Salty Web!